In 2021, Purva Land, a strategic initiative by Puravankara Ltd., embarked on a mission to redefine the plotted development landscape in India. As the dedicated arm of the well-established real estate group, Purva Land has quickly gained recognition for creating premium plotted communities that offer long-term investment value and a superior l
Hosachiguru: Transforming Farmland Management Near Bangalore with Passion and Innovation
In a world where the divide between urban life and the natural world seems to grow ever wider, Hosachiguru stands as a testament to the power of reconnecting with nature. Located near Bangalore, Hosachiguru is not just a farming enterprise—it is a revolution in sustainable agriculture, driven by a deep commitment to ecological balance and a pas
Purva Land: Leading the Way in Premium Plotted Developments Across India
Purva Land, launched in 2021, is the visionary arm of Puravankara Ltd., dedicated to delivering exceptional plotted developments across India. With a strong focus on premium, theme-based communities and cutting-edge infrastructure, Purva Land is set to become the most aspirational brand in the country’s growing real estate sector. Backed by
Purva Land: Transforming the Real Estate Landscape with Premium Plotted Developments
In 2021, Purva Land emerged as a dedicated arm of Puravankara Ltd., revolutionizing the plotted development segment in India. With a clear focus on creating aspirational communities through high-quality, theme-based developments, Purva Land has quickly become a leader in offering premium land investments. Designed for both investors and homeb
Provident Housing Limited: Crafting Future-Ready Communities
[Experience Homes Designed for More Founded in 2008, Provident Housing Limited has emerged as one of India's leading community developers, transforming the real estate landscape with its unique approach to homeownership. As a 100% subsidiary of Puravankara Limited, Provident Housing leverages over four decades of real estate expertise to offer